Le restaurant

GS-CP students have opened a restaurant! They have worked on the vocabulary of food, the different parts of a meal and how to order food politely in French. They created …

A celebration of ‘Bretagne’

Students in CE1/CE2 took an exciting trip to Bretagne at school this week.  Along with learning eabout this historical province, students had a special art project celebrating the wardrobe from …

Chasse au trésor…

The GS-CP went on a treasure hunt!They had to solve riddles, do crossword puzzles, find and try all different possible combination of a lock, locate clues on a school map… …

Afternoon games

There is nothing better than some relaxing independent work in the afternoon after nap time!

Suzuki Private Music Lessons

There are still openings for private music lessons with our talented Suzuki music staff.  During the school day, we offer violin, guitar and piano.  Please contact Kelly if you would …

Creativity with the snow

It’s always a treat to see how our creative students play and work together at recess.  The snow always brings us a new canvas for our artists to enjoy.

Out of this world!

There is some beautiful artwork on display right now.  Make sure to check out the collage space inspired artwork on display outside the CE1/CE2 classroom.  It’s out of this world!