News de Nous – 10/10/18

October 10, 2018
Eat Well, Learn Well
Bonjour! Hard to believe that today marks 4 weeks since opening day! Another great week, highlighted by our Family Picnic (photos below), plus Suzuki music and Pre-K news…
Nice Day For A Picnic
Beautiful day and a great turnout for our first FASTB Family Picnic last Friday. All of our currently enrolled families, as well as some soon-to-be enrolled families, plus all of our teachers, were on hand to enjoy some food and fun.
We were even treated to an impromptu concert:
Family Picnic Impromptu Concert Clip
We are very grateful for everyone’s enthusiasm and support of our school in these early days! Thank you all for making this a wonderful family event.
Phone Lines Down
Due to a construction mishap several streets from the school that severed some phone lines, we have been without phone service for the last few days. The phone company is working to fix the problem but in the meantime, if you need to reach us by phone, you can call Dan Hannigan’s cell phone which is 207-337-1135. Thank you for your patience.
Suzuki Q&A
Our Suzuki Music Instructor, Jennifer Diedrich, will be at the school Thursday, October 18th at morning drop-off to discuss our private violin and piano lessons and answer your questions. For those interested, the lessons are 30 minutes long, once per week, during the school day and the cost is $32 per lesson.
We hope you will consider this opportunity – the Suzuki “Mother Tongue” approach is a great compliment to our language immersion approach – and the gift of music lasts a lifetime!
Weather Considerations
Fortunately for us, Hurricane Michael has only brushed by us this week and we certainly wish the best for our fellow Floridians on the Panhandle who will take the brunt of this powerful storm. The weather uncertainty has put into focus our school cancellation policy, which is that we will make every attempt to notify all parents and staff of a school closing no later than 6:45am. As with this week, we may send periodic updates as a large storm develops to help you plan. Please note that safety always comes first so even if we have school, if you consider it unsafe to travel, then please stay home and let us know. Merci!
Counting Down To Pre-K!
By this time next week, we will be three days into our Pre-K class! Starting Monday, October 15, Pre-K is offered for 3 & 4 year old children, who are potty trained. As with our elementary class, Pre-K is full immersion – everything is en Français!
Enrollment is open now for this current year so if you or someone you know is interested, please contact Dan Hannigan to set up a tour of the school. Also, mid-year enrollments are available for those turning 3 in the next few months so please let us know and we can go through the enrollment process with you.
Openings for 2018-19 & Steps To Apply
Speaking of the enrollment process… We are continuing to enroll students for 2018-19, both in the elementary class and now the Pre-K class, so if you are thinking about applying, or know someone who may be interested in applying, you are not too late and below is the sequence of events for our application process:
  1. Inquiry: Submit the Application Inquiry Form on our web site and we will contact you to set up a school visit to give you more information about FASTB and answer questions
  2. Apply: Print, fill out and mail our Enrollment Application and fee
  3. Interview: After receiving the completed application we set up a parent or guardian and child interview to assess readiness and ability to benefit from our program
  4. Acceptance & Enrollment: Upon acceptance, an Enrollment Contract must be signed and deposit paid to secure a spot for the upcoming year
Please visit and click on the Admission tab for more on the process, tuition, financial aid and more – of course, you can always email or call us to set up a meeting as well. We look forward to hearing from you!
FASTB Calendar 2018-19
Click on the calendar to the right to get our updated schedule for the school year. You can also check the Events tab on periodically for more specific information on certain events. Merci!
Maine Is Nice This Time Of Year
To keep tabs on activities up north, don’t forget to visit the Blog and Instagramof our school in Maine, L’Ecole Française du Maine – Year 18 is rolling along!!
Have a wonderful week – Merci!
Meet The Founders
The French American School of Tampa Bay, (FASTB), founded in February 2017 by Elizabeth and Willy LeBihan, offers a unique immersion school experience to students from Early Childhood through grade 12.
Inspired by their successful creation of L’Ecole Française du Maine: The French School of Maine 17 years ago, the Founders decided to put their experience and devotion for education to work in the Tampa Bay area they have grown to know and love.
2100 62nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Telephone: (727) 800-2159
Elizabeth LeBihan: Founder and Admission Director
Willy LeBihan: Founder and Head of School
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2100 62nd Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Tel: (727) 800-2159

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Mission Laïque Française

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