News de Nous – 11/14/18

November 14, 2018
Jour de Dinde (Turkey Day) Approaches!
 Bonjour! As Thanksgiving draws near, we are seeing turkeys pop up in the strangest places! News de Nous has that story, plus class notes, medal ceremonies, open houses and more…
La Classe de Claire
Students have progressed with the language and are building vocabulary through rhyming in poetry, graphic activities, studying different sounds and how they come together in words (phonology), discovery of plants and animals, and numbers up to 100.
All of this will help with reading and we have begun a library in the class. Students have learned how to borrow a book for the weekend and how to care for our books (below).
Claire’s Elementary class has been hard at work in math, reading, vocabulary and art this week. Math was focused on plane shapes (below) – recognizing, naming, manipulating and reproducing them – plus using a ruler to draw straight lines.
That continued into art, where students put to practice the math concepts in an Origami Thanksgiving project (left), drawing squares of different sizes and folding.
La Classe de Priscilla et Pauline
Art and movement for Pre-K this week – in addition to the turkey hats seen in our opening News de Nous photo, students discovered a creative use of pasta to help decorate the snail project above, learning colors, carefully painting each piece and matching them accordingly. Usually works best al dente.
Students were on the move in gym class learning motor skills and navigating obstacles (below). All part of another busy week of singing, learning and playing en Français!
Open House November 28 6-8pm
Thank you to those who attended our Open House Morning Session last Friday. For those who could not attend, we are looking forward to seeing you at our Open House Evening Session, November 28 – doors open at 6pm! It’s a great chance to explore French Immersion for your child as you will have the opportunity to meet teachers, tour the school and ask plenty of questions. The whole family is welcome!
Refreshments will be served – we ask that you RSVP to admission@fastb.orgso we can make sure we have enough. Please help us spread the word – Merci!
Légion d’Honneur Ceremony at FASTB November 29
French Consul General Clément Leclerc, on behalf of French President Emmanuel Macron, has selected FASTB to host a ceremony in which two local American World War II veterans, Joseph Corbin and Francis Smith, will be awarded the French Republic’s highest order of merit for military and civil conduct, the Légion d’Honneur, for their service in France during the war.
This event also has an educational element as area college and high school students will be attending and participating. We hope you will join us in honoring these two heroes. The ceremony is November 29 at 2:30pm – please click here for the press release with more details.
MLF to Visit FASTB
Beginning November 28, we are pleased to welcome Jérome Train from Mission Laïque Française to work with our teachers. MLF America is headquartered at the Dallas International School and has a network of member schools throughout North America – FASTB is a proud member. MLF provides terrific curriculum resources and support for teachers and schools, and Mr. Train will be here for two days to get to know us and assess how MLF can help us. We plan to set aside time for parents to meet with him as well – details to follow.
Openings for 2018-19 & Beyond: Steps To Apply
As we continue to enroll students for 2018-19, and also look ahead to 2019-20, if you are thinking about applying (or know someone who may be interested), please consider attending our Nov. 28 Open House (see above) or contact us directly for a private tour. Below is the sequence of events for our application process:
  1. Inquiry: Submit the Application Inquiry Form on our web site and we will contact you to set up a school visit to give you more information about FASTB and answer questions
  2. Apply: Print, fill out and mail our Enrollment Application and fee
  3. Interview: After receiving the completed application we set up a parent or guardian and child interview to assess readiness and ability to benefit from our program
  4. Acceptance & Enrollment: Upon acceptance, an Enrollment Contract must be signed and deposit paid to secure a spot for the upcoming year
Please visit and click on the Admission tab for more on the process, tuition, financial aid and more – we look forward to hearing from you!
FASTB Calendar 2018-19
Click on the calendar to the right to get our updated schedule for the school year. Reminder: there will be no school on November 19 & 20, resulting in a full week off for Thanksgiving!
Please also check the Events tab on periodically for more specific information on certain events. Merci!
Arctic Report
To keep tabs on activities up north, don’t forget to visit the Blog and Instagram of our school in Maine, L’Ecole Française du Maine – Year 18 is rolling along!!
Have a wonderful week – Merci!
Meet The Founders
The French American School of Tampa Bay, (FASTB), founded in February 2017 by Elizabeth and Willy LeBihan, offers a unique immersion school experience to students from Early Childhood through grade 12.
Inspired by their successful creation of L’Ecole Française du Maine: The French School of Maine 17 years ago, the Founders decided to put their experience and devotion for education to work in the Tampa Bay area they have grown to know and love.
2100 62nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Telephone: (727) 800-2159
Dan Hannigan: School Director
Elizabeth LeBihan: Founder and Admission Director
Willy LeBihan: Founder and Head of School
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2100 62nd Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Tel: (727) 800-2159

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Florida Association of IB World Schools
Approved Member

Mission Laïque Française

Florida Department of Education
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French Ministry of Education


Association of French Schools in North America
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French International Schools in North America
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Pinellas County Child Care
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France Education International
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