News de Nous

Dear friends,
As we enter the Third Trimester of the 23-24 school year, I am incredibly excited by all of the upcoming events and activities at FASTB. Notably, FASTB’s Spring Festival will be taking place next Friday, March 1st, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. I look forward to seeing you there!
In addition to these events, the classrooms have been a buzz with rehearsals for Showcases, and we are greatly looking forward to welcoming you into the classrooms.
In this edition of our Newsletter you will find details on upcoming events, classroom projects and outings, third trimester clubs, as well as opportunities for FASTB families to host our two incoming French Exchange Students.
With the Spring weather on the horizon, I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend!
Warm Regards,
Colin LeBihan
School Director

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